Friday, February 16, 2007

Baby it's (as in was) cold outside

Back in mid-January we experienced some record breaking lows for this region...many people have asked me how this would effect the vines. Actually, the cold is beneficial for many reasons. First off, the cold helps delay budbreak. In the past we've occasionally had very temperate Januarys and Februarys which have resulted in unusually early budbreak, leaving us susceptible to frost damage should cold temperatures return. Also, any overwintering mold spores on the cane wood can be inhibited or even die in these cold temperatures, making for a much cleaner vineyard in the upcoming season. Finally, there is the old farmer belief that the cold helps sturdy the buds for the next year.

So, all things being equal, the cold, the rain, even the occasional's all good. Now, if it happened in May, you'll hear me singing a different tune.

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